Testosterone and Technology team up to bring you second generation Truck Chasing! New Technology is changing rapid day by day. So fast that Truck Chasing is changing globally. 10 years ago, About the only way you could cruise a Trucker was at a Rest Stop or Truck Stop. Today, Second Generation Truck Chasing is all about the Net.
Drivers logging in on WI-FI and Verizon air cards from all over the US. Some even logging into Video Chat and having their cams on while they actually drive!. GayTruckers and their Admirers come from all over the GLOBE and seem to come to GayTruckstop. But Why?, This is simple in 3 words. Dedication, Continious Support, and Quite simply put "Doin it right" .
Today, WI-FI is literally available at every single Truckstop. Verizon makes the AIR CARD wich is reasonable on rates and lets a GAY TRUCKER login from nearly anywhere. This technology and the technology that is BUNDLED into GayTruckstop Network? is how second generation Truck Chasing is slowly but surely taking place ( globally ). GayTruckstop? is the only Trucker site that transmits in 3 languages ( English, French and Spanish ). And if you take a look at our profiles or do a search, you will see second generation Truck Chasing is not just happening in the US.
Its happening GLOBALLY!. What we mean is their is a decent share of profiles in spanish on our site, as well as Gay Truckers logging in from the UK and Australia!. Though the GayTruckstop? site is Member Driven.
We built the site so even the ( standard ) member can easily hookup ( safely, and easily ). What we mean by member driven is we depend on the driven memberships at GayTruckstop? so we can continually every day bring you new tools features and market the site to bring you the Gay Truckers and Admirers you all want to get to know and MEET!. What do we mean by a ( standard ) member easily hooking up?.
Well this is as mentioned above, Gold members get not just a few but get many , many added benefits to the site. But even as a standard member, your entitled to 2 messages a day, 3 profile views every 10 hours, 2 kisses every 24 hours, and so on. It only takes 1 message to pass your Email to someone and hookup!. And next thing you know, You just may of made a new FRIEND!. One of our drivers at GayTruckstop? mentioned how he used to Buy a magazine that was oriented towards truckers. He emphasised how Second Generation Truck Chasing is not buying a magazine anymore.
This is to much trouble for the average driver. #1 to find a place to pull off. #2 to find the right outlet that sells the magazine you are looking for.
The net is global, And sites like GayTruckstop? give a entire new meaning to Cruising and meeting Gay Truckers. Second Generation Truck Chasing is actually exciting. As I the webmaster turns around and sees a new Generation of New and Senior Truckers and how they get cruised and meet others is unleashing on the web.
Someone asked me, Will chasing or cruising someday come to a end? The webmasters response to this is: I dont think it will ever end, Folks will always cruise when in the right environment or 2 or more people are in the right place at the right time. But 1 thing is for sure, The WWW is the godfather to finding men online. And GayTruckstop Network? leads the way in technology and resources for the Gay Trucker ONLINE!.
While 2nd Generation Truck Chasing gets more and more popular on the web. GayTruckstop.com Network? will lead the way!, in new tools and features for you to meet and stay in touch with those men on the highways! Thank you for being a member of our community! Jeffrey Bailey.
From the blog archives of the GayTruckstop.com Network http://www.Gaytruckstop.com